Excerpt // Chapter 4: Use Your Voice
Do you guys remember The Little Mermaid?
I loved Ariel so much that I would wrap my legs up in a towel so that I would have a fin. Then I would find the closest thing that resembled a rock. Then I’d borrow my mom’s bra, and I’d sit on my rock (it was a chair) with my fin made out of a rolled-up afghan blanket. Flapping my fin, I’d sing the songs from the movie. I didn’t want to be like other Disney princesses. Just Ariel. Until Aladdin came out on VHS, that is.
One of my least favorite parts of the movie is when Ariel gets her voice taken away. Now, granted, Ariel — well, the bitch had it coming to her. She literally traded her voice away in exchange for a chance at love. Now, I love my current boyfriend very much, but I don’t know if I would want a lifetime of laryngitis for him. I digress. Anyway, it was the worst part because you’re watching this young, headstrong, strong-willed, and stubborn woman who only wanted love and was punished by…
Check out my new book, ’30 Things Before 30'! This book explores thirty different lessons and notions that I’ve learned before blowing out the candles on my 30th birthday cake. They’re fun, raw, yet important nuggets on lessons of love and career, sex and status, health and wellness, family and f*ck boys, and most importantly- the pursuit of genuine self-love and finding true happiness.